Sunday, September 22, 2019

Having our say (racism) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Having our say (racism) - Essay Example Bessie being darker encountered harsher racism than Sarah. The sisters were different in life but they came from same family and never married and had respectable jobs. They went to same college and were extremely well educated. Bessie always stood for herself and resisted racism and white people. The sisters were hard working and chose career over marriage as they belonged to a poor background. Both these sisters faced racism early in their life. They were born out of a white father and a quarter black women but still were tagged as colored people. They had to face many obstacles from white men in their neighborhood. According to ( Delany 39)â€Å"In the decades after the Civil War, "education" became the rallying cry of those seeking to improve the lot of former slaves, whose prospects were limited usually to hard labor in the fields or to domestic work in white peoples homes†. Bessie being bold to respond to criticism was strong willed while Sadie was calm. They understood not to mess with me from the first day itself (Delany 9) Bessie when confronted by a drunken white man she responded harshly .When she saw the seating arrangement in a drinking place she feels resentment on the division for white and black people. They also face racism at work place but overcome it. They achieved their goals steadily despite facing discrimination and prejudices. Sadie being lighter in complexion was non aggressive to racism. She was the first black women to be a teacher by not disclosing her black ethnicity to the employer. Bessie being proud and emotional was opposite to Sadie who was calm and easy going. The racism is a dark side of American history which exists still in a milder manner. These sisters is a proud icons of American which shows that nothing is an obstacle if there is will to achieve what one wants in life. Growing in a poor and racist atmosphere they achieved what they wanted. They became well

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